I learned about Greg Christian while browsing a blog for art prints called OMG Posters. The site is a good resource for keeping on top of what limited edition prints are being released by various artists. I was scrolling through countless images of art prints and the image of a minimal, geometric black and white piece of art of the streets of Los Angeles stood out to me.
LA Print
I purchased the print for my collection and began emailing Greg back and forth. I learned that he is recently graduating from college for graphic design and is looking to gain exposure for his work and a career in art and design. Along with the feature on OMG Posters, he has also been showcased on the sites SVPPLY and FLYER GOODNESS. I asked Greg a few questions about the LA Print and himself:
?: What is your background in art and design?
Greg: I grew up the son of an Architect which formed my junior trade skills. Most of what I know came from watching my dad draft for clients. One of my oldest memories, in school, was just doodling. Never new there was profession that could come from line and shape experimentation.
?: What made you want to pursue a career in art and design?
Greg: In high school I entered a local drawing contest and place 2nd. The idea of being a designer never occurred to me or my parents. It was a no brainer when I got in college. Nothing else seemed like me.
?: How would you describe your style and who are you inspired by?
Greg: I don’t think I have a ”style” yet. I only have principles. 1. Keep is simple, stupid. 2. Work smarter, not harder. 3. If you can’t receive the information, you’re not done. I guess these ideas would most closely relate to the Swiss style. I’ve been finding inspiration by numerous designers but to name a few, Hans Schleger, Paul Rand, Piet Mondrian, and Kasimir Malevich.
?: Creating the Los Angeles print seems it entails several steps, can you describe the process of making it?
Greg: Sure can.
1. Well find the image via the archives.
2. Spray mount the image to the linoleum
3. Suspend a heat gun above the linoleum to warm it up.
4. Take an exacto knife and slice up the image
5. Then ink up the block.
6. Lastly run it through a press.
(Do steps 5 and 6, 60 times.)
Cutting up the linoleum
Finished linoleum
Linoleum is inked and pressed to make print
Finished print
?: How would you describe the local Los Angeles art scene and how has it changed over the years?
Greg: My time here in the LA art scene has been minimal. I’ve been exposed to all genres of art and I see it as a a ball of yarn. All the different people and influences are criss-crossed while the ball keeps getting bigger. My only note of the total scene was I read an article last year stating that the art scene is growing at a such a rapid pace that it will eventually trump Paris and New York. We’ll see about that.
?: Are there any areas of art and design you would like to cross over into or collaborate with?
Greg: I’d like to take a stab at industrial design. Everything can be improved. But in the mean time, I’ve been working on my wood working and casting skills so maybe those will lead some where.
?: What does the future hold for you and your creative process?
Greg: All I know for the future is where I am, is where I’m suppose to be. My creative process will always be a mystery to even myself.
Piece titled 30 hour
30 hour detail
Greg's newest project that he is almost finished with is the casting of bronze antlers. He gave me a sneak peak of the project.
Making the mold for casting the antlers
Check out Greg's website to view his portfolio and to purchase the LA Print.