IDEO's c60 Redux

I revisited IDEO's Vimeo page after an earlier post about IDEO's Vision for the Future of Self-Service Banking to see what they are working on. I came across an intriguing video that was posted a few months ago, but the content really sparked my interest.

It is a concept from IDEO that aims to restore a physical aspect to digital music enjoyment. The c60 Redux is a platter that users place individual cards onto to play music. Each paper or cardboard card contains two RFID chips that activate the platter to play the track that is associated with it. The track stops playing when the card is removed from the platter. Users can create a playlist by placing several cards on the platter at a time and the tracks are read and played in a clockwise order. The unit is connected to a computer for power and sound output.

This re-establishes the focus on album graphics and tangible artifacts associated with music.


Take a look:

c60 Redux from IDEO on Vimeo.