The 1933 Group Presents a Repeal Day Celebration

December 5th, 1933 was a great day in American history. This juncture, happily signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, marked the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the US Constitution. The result was the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment and the end of the failed political experiment of American Prohibition.

To celebrate this historical moment, the 1933 Group of bars (the name makes a little more sense now) is offering libations for fifty cents on December 5th, 2012 to symbolize the death of Prohibition. From the log cabin habitat of the Bigfoot Lodge to the old-timey southern milieu of Sassafras, the watering holes in the 1933 Group offer unique themes and cocktail selections. The saloons are scattered all across Los Angeles from Highland Park to Silverlake to Culver City and all are offering the promotion.